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Standard specific to New Life Church Grafton
Standard 1
We are committed to embedding child safety in our organisation. All our workers (staff & volunteers) complete the safe churches/boundaries training, regardless of whether they work directly with children or not. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 2
Children are safer when organisations teach them about their rights to be heard, listened to and believed. We include children in our planning, development, and reflection phases of organisation by utilising conversations around satisfaction and creative thinking. We maintain a complaints policy and address issues raised both timely and appropriately. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 3
Children are safer when organisations include parents, carers and families in their activities and consult them on children’s development. Our church is a family made up of people at every age and stage of development. We work collaboratively to develop programs and services that appropriately support this development and focus on creative ways to increase inclusion. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 4
In our organisation, we uphold equity and diverse needs are taken into account. All children are welcomed and included in church life. We provide reasonable accommodations and support to enable participation regardless of ability. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 5
At our organisation we work to ensure that the people working with children are suitable and supported. All our workers have current Working with Children Checks which are verified by our staff. All our workers complete the Safe Churches/Boundaries training and refresh these checks and training every 3-5 years depending on child-safe guidelines. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 6
We know that child safe cultures create environments where staff can identify and report suspected harm of children. Workers are supported to report children at risk of harm in accordance with our Child Safe policy. Workers are supported to report any incidents or accidents in accordance with our incident management policy. Feedback is invited from workers, parents, children and church members as per our complaints policy. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 7
A child safe organisation promotes continuous learning and provides regular ongoing education and training. At New Life Church we organise face to face training for our Safe Boundaries workshop and offer online courses through the Anglican diocese for any persons unable to attend these face to face days. We refresh our volunteer and staff annually in regards to expectations and best practice for child-safe and vulnerable people engagement and best practice. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 8
A child safe organisation adapts its physical environments to minimise opportunities for abuse to occur. We provide spaces that are safe for children to learn and play in, including dedicated facilities. We ensure that all public areas of the church are easily visible. We maintain appropriate ratios for supervision and have crisis plans in case of danger/unforeseen volatile situations (lock down protocol). #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 9
Child safe organisations know it takes ongoing effort to maintain a safe environment for children. We believe that children can have a personal relationship with Jesus, that children are valuable individuals and an important part of the body of Christ. We are committed to continuous improvement to ensure children can participate safely in the life of the church. #ChildSafeStandards
Standard 10
Our organisation’s policies and procedures reflect the Child Safe Standards. Following the child safe standards we do not facilitate any event/program without risk assessment and appropriate planning for supervision, safe environments and opportunities for the wider church community to engage in a supportive environment. New Life Church and its staff and volunteers are committed to being an active child-safe organisation. #ChildSafeStandards
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